


Maths Make Sense (MMS)

Maths Makes Sense, created by Richard Dunne, is a consistent, whole-school approach to teaching and learning maths.

Maths Makes Sense, as a comprehensible learning scheme, ensures fluency through the daily practice of maths facts and the rigour of meticulous teaching across all aspects of mathematics.


Maths Makes Sense at St George's

At St George's children develop a deep abstract understanding where the use of concrete objects, actions and vocabulary lead to understanding, strong reasoning and problem-solving skills.

The combination of resources and sustained Professional Development mean that our children are already exceeding expectations and becoming fluent and confident mathematicians.

We have a consistent whole-school approach, which helps us deliver high-quality mathematical education.

Our expectations are high for all our children, which is underpinned by the ambition for all them to excel and appreciate the power of maths.

Maths Makes Sense also supports the fluency, as well as a strong emphasis placed on developing quick and accurate mental recall.


How it works:

Maths Makes Sense is an extremely enjoyable and effective way of providing children with a solid foundation in maths. The methods and approach remains consistent across all years, preventing misunderstanding and ensuring children can confidently approach all new learning. Everything that is learned at the start is built on consistently and logically.

Maths Makes Sense combines the use of concrete objects with exaggerated actions and a special vocabulary to teach the '10 Big Ideas' that primary school children need to understand maths. These 10 ideas reinforce the whole Maths Makes Sense learning system and are taught consistently throughout the school.

Introduced by age 7

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Equals
  • The symbols speak to you
  • The logic of the language tells you the answer
  • Denomination

Introduced after age 7

  • Ratio
  • Infinity


For more information please visit the MMS website.

Here are some links to videos of MMS.


How it works -

How it is taught -

Daily Practice -






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