Spring Term


Welcome to Year 2


The teachers and teaching assistants in Year 2 are:

2A - Mrs Horton/Mrs Johnson and Mrs Evans

2B - Miss Shields and Mrs King

2C - Miss Wall and Miss Brown

2D Mrs Senior and Mrs Hewson


Multi Cultural Event

To begin the new term the whole school will be working on a multicultural topic about South America for two weeks. In year 2 our focus will be learning about the history and culture of the Aztecs through stories, art and dance.


The children will read a text called ‘Musicians of the Sun’ by Gerald McDermott and will create their own story based on this text. During the two weeks we will learn about the food that originated from Mexico, including chocolate, and get to taste some different Mexican food.


The children will research the history of the Aztecs and also learn some Spanish phrases.  At the end of the two weeks we would like to invite the parents into our classrooms to celebrate and share with the children what they have enjoyed learning.


This event will take place on Friday 16th January at 2:45pm. We hope that any parents/carers will be able to join us.



Musicians of the Sun




During this fortnight year 2 will make authentic Aztec clay thumb pots, write their own West End worthy plays, taste delicious Mexican food, dazzle you with their new Spanish vocabulary, learn a funky Aztec dance accompanied their own drum beat and so much more.





Our term will continue with our topic ‘Chaotic Cities’. The key text for this topic will be ‘The Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke, which is all about the adventures of a London bus.


The children are going to begin the topic by learning about Liverpool before going on to find out about London with their very own buses going on some journeys through the two cities whilst learning about famous landmarks. 

See pictures below for The Naughty Bus at St. Georges

The topic will also allow the children to look back at famous events and people in history through a study of The Great Fire of London and learning all about The Beatles. To introduce this topic we will be having a WOW afternoon on Wednesday 21st January.


On this day the children can dress up as a famous person from Liverpool, this could be a footballer, pop star or even the Beatles. As part of their homework the children should research their famous person and be able to tell the rest of the class a few simple facts about them.


Here are some ideas of famous Liverpudlians.

Famous Liverpudlians

Atomic Kitten

Cilla Black

Ken Dodd

Ray Quinn

Rebecca Ferguson

Sporty Spice (Mel C)

Steven Gerrard

The Beatles

Tony Hibbert

                         World Book Day - Thursday 5th March        


Join us on World Book Day by dressing up as one of your favourite characters from your favourite book!  Here are a few ideas:


Mary Poppins
Wear a black skirt with a white blouse tucked in. You could also have a little white maid-type apron and an umbrella for extra effect!

Harry Potter
Wear a smart school uniform and circular glasses, and draw a lightening scar on forehead using face paint or make-up. You could have additional props if you like such as a black robe or cape, a wand, a Gryffindor coloured scarf or a toy owl.

Hermione Granger / Ron Weasley
Wear a smart school uniform with tie and carry a wand/character props, e.g. Hermione would carry a book.

Where’s Wally
Wear jeans and a white long sleeve top. You can paint red stripes on the top using fabric pens or fabric paint. Then, wear a white bobble hat, again using fabric pens or paint for the stripes. Finish the look with a pair of glasses.

Horrid Henry
Wear normal boy clothes, but messy. Don’t forget to wear a mischievous expression!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Wear green leggings and a green t-shirt. Stuff pairs of green tights, and attach them down the back of a t-shirt and leggings, to represent caterpillar legs. Attach antennae onto a headband.

Winnie the Witch
Wear a long dress and stripy tights.

Wear short brown trousers, a brown shirt & brown cap.

Alex Rider
Wear ‘cool’ boy’s clothes with a gadget or two! Pupils could make their own gadgets using boxes, kitchen foil etc.

The Mad Hatter
Wear a big funny hat and put on some crazy make up/face paints!

Wear normal girl’s clothes with a red ribbon tied in hair.

Pirate / Captain Hook
Wear a stripy t-shirt/jumper, a homemade pirate hat and hold a tin foil hook.
Gangsta Granny
Draw on wrinkles, wear a long skirt and blouse and hold a handbag.

       Mad March Hair Day - Friday 6th March    


Join us on Friday wearing a wacky hairstyle! Children are challenged to have crazy mad hair styles on this day to help raise money for school funds. Different hair colour sprays are available from the PTA who will be selling products all week!!!

Thursday 2nd April - Autism Awareness Day


Around 700,000 people in the UK have autism. Together with their families they make up around 2.8 million people whose lives are touched by autism every single day. On Thursday 2nd April it is World Autism Awareness Day. Every year, autism organisations around the world celebrate the day with unique fundraising and awareness-raising events.


In key stage one (years one and two) we would like to help raise awareness amongst our pupils and their families. We have decided to join in this year’s event which has the catchphrase “Light it up Blue”. We are asking all of the children in year one and two to come into school in their own clothes wearing an item of blue. During the day the children will have a visitor from the Wirral Autistic Society who will come into the children’s classes to help them to understand more about autism. She will be accompanied by one of our parents who is keen to help children to understand more about autism through her own family story. They would like to take some photographs for their website and possibly the press. If you do not wish your child to be included on these photographs please let your child’s class teacher know. 


The children will all be given some information to bring home and share with their families. The autistic society are arranging a balloon release on the same day at 4.30pm at New Brighton dips, parents and children are welcome to attend this event.


The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of autism and for our children to understand about how it affects children and their families. If any children would like to bring in a voluntary donation for the autistic society they will be gratefully received. Wristbands will be available at the cost of 50p each


We hope that this day may help to make life a little easier for those children in our school and local community whose lives are affected by autism.

Year 2 SATs Information Evening for Parents 

Thursday 12th March at 5:30pm


We would like to invite parents into school for an information evening with the year 2 class teachers. During this meeting the teachers will explain how we prepare the children for the SATs assessments and how they are carried out in school. The meetings will take place on Thursday 12th March at 5:30pm in your child’s classroom. On the evening there will be a short presentation from your child’s teacher and an opportunity to discuss any queries or concerns that you may have. You will also be able to see examples of the test materials.


The SAT’s assessments will take place throughout the month of May and we would appreciate parents to be mindful of the importance of good attendance to ensure that all children are fully prepared.

St George's sponsored read


Don't forget that St George's sponsored read begins today 

- relax with a good book and raise money for your school and 

Comic Relief!

Closes Friday 6th March!!!

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