Year 2 Choir at St Hilary

The year 2 choir have had a fantastic evening singing at St Hilary's for the Christingle Service. We sang 4 beautiful songs, and even did Makaton sign language to Silent Night. It was wonderful to see the smiles on everyone's faces as the children took to the stage. 

During the service, children also followed a star which led them to passages from The Bible which revealed parts of the nativity story. We also discovered the meaning behind the Christingle and how it symbolises Christ as the light of the world. Finally, all of the children received their own Christingle and we lit them, dimmed the lights and sang a hymn. It was beautiful.


Thank you to all at St Hilary's, especially Alan and Caroline.

What a wonderful way to start our festive celebrations!

Well done Year 2 Choir!

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