Year 4 2023 - 2024

We are pleased to welcome you to the Year 4 page. The main need-to-know information can be found here as the year progresses. Watch out for continual updates on our news items page to see what our Year 4's have been up to.

If you have a general query, please email and we shall endeavour to reply as soon as we can.

On Thursday 27th June, we hosted a well-attended Zoom meeting regarding the Y3 into Y4 transition - this presentation can be found below  Glance at the Y4 overview to see which topics will be covered throughout the year.

Please see the presentation at the bottom of the page for information regarding moving from Year 3 to Year 4

The Year 4 team are:

 Class  Teacher  Support Staff 
4A  Miss Berry

Mrs Pugh

Mrs Bevan

Miss Catton

Mrs Walters 

Mrs Roberts

4B Miss Mulheirn
4C Miss Hughes
4D Miss Willacy
4E      Mrs Palmi and Mrs Chambers     


Mrs Chambers is the Assistant Headteacher for Year 4.


Our Weekly Timetable





















Old homework completed

New homework set



RESPECT and Behaviour

During this half term the children will be learning about the word Resilience and what this means to them. They will be thinking about how they can show resilience in different situations. Each week the teachers will nominate one child that they have noticed being resilient. These children will be known as our ‘Learning Heroes’. They will receive a special certificate in assembly and will have their picture displayed on the wall. The children have created class charters in which they state their own roles and responsibilities with regards to their behaviour and conduct in school. It has been a very positive way to start the school year with the children keen to follow their charters and stay in the positive behaviour zones.


Our Curriculum Map can be viewed by clicking on the link below.


We will be reading 'The Whale' by Ethan and Vita Murrow and writing setting descriptions based on the atmospheric pictures re-telling the story of two young adults on a quest to prove a 50 year old mystery.

We also hope to read lots of amazing non-fiction texts located in our MyOn reading resource to support our other curriculm areas.

During the Summer Term we will be reading a Diary of a Young Slave - Linking in with our History study.  



Within Maths this term we will be looking at Place Value. Within each lesson we continue to practice our counting and keeping up our fluency with our mental maths and number sense. During the week the children will have access to a number of our apps that can also be accessed at home. These are TTRockstars, NumberGym and Mangahigh. 


To start the new year, we looked at the digestive system. We investigated the simple functions and the basic parts of the digestive system in humans. We also identified and named the different types of teeth in humans and some other animals, and their functions. Our key investigation was to explore how teeth could decay and how they could keep teeth healthy by substituting eggshells as a close representation of human teeth and observing the eggshells in different liquids over time. 

In Autumn Two, we worked towards answering the question, ‘How can we make different sounds?’ We identified and described different sounds and we explored how sounds are produced by vibrations and that these vibrations travel from the source of the sound through a variety of materials to the ear. We investigated how sound travels, changing the pitch of sounds and the pattern between the volume of a sound and the strength of vibrations

During the Spring term, the children constructed and interpreted food chains. They investigated the effect of a small change to an environment and considered the impact of larger changes to the environment such as fire and flood. The children then considered how humans can reduce the impact of some environmental changes. Following this, the children looked at different ways of grouping living things and they built up their knowledge of making and using classification keys. The children also took part in a wonderful Science Week all about reducing the use of Plastic! 

Over the first half of the summer term, the children will identify common appliances that run on battery and mains electricity, and name some appliances that do the same job but are operated manually. They will learn the names and functions of simple electrical components and the children will construct simple circuits to light a bulb and make a buzzer buzz. They will then insert a switch into the circuit to turn the bulb/buzzer on. The children will raise questions related to electrical insulation and conductivity. They will apply their knowledge about electrical circuits and conductors to design and make a switch.

In the last half of the Summer term, the children will identify, group and describe different materials as solids, liquids or gases. Children will develop their ideas about states of matter and changes of state which can be reversed. They will observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled and they will have had the opportunity to measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C). Children will then use their knowledge of changes of state to identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and will associate the rate of evaporation of water with temperature.


In Summer, we will be exploring the Romans. We will be working towards exploring our key enquiry question: What impact did the Romans have on Britain?  Firstly, we will investigate Ancient Rome and the current location, linking this back to our work on Europe and the Ancient Greeks . We will create a timeline of the periods they have already studied in Autumn term and place the Romans period alongside these. We will explore how they invaded Britain and the battles they had in order to conquer Britain. Next, we will explore what the Romans brought to Britain. Finally, we will answer our enquiry question by gathering all our learning together and creating a class museum of the achievements of the Romans and how they influenced Britain.


This term we will be taking inspiration from Georgina O'Keefee's art.


This term in French the children will be recapping their prior learning regarding greetings and introductory conversations. The children will then move on to saying their age and birthday, giving information about their features, and continue building up their conversational skills. The children will have the opportunity to learn songs in french, role play to practise their new language skills and play games to ensure retention of the new phrases they are learning. 


This term in PSHE, the children will be taking part in lessons about e-safety, personal development and personal finance. In e-safety, the children will focus keeping safe online with a focus on privacy settings, and in personal development, they will look at the human life cycle. Personal finance education is new to our curriculum this year and we are really excited to help our pupils become money savvy. In the last summer term we will be looking at aspects of puberty and how our body changes during this time. We will also be looking how alcohol effects the body.

The PSHE curriculum is attached below if you would like to see what is being taught and at what time in the year. 

Accessing Google Classroom for Home Learning

All your child's homework will now be set on Google Classroom which can be accessed using the email address and password sent home on Log In sheets. All children have been given a spelling book and a maths book, which are to remain at home and these will support the home learning set each week. Below is a link to a step by step guide ('Home Learning Guidance') of how to access Google Classroom and Spelling Shed using your child's log ins.

Files to Download

Year 4: St George's News items

Chester day 2, by Miss Hughes

Chester day one, by Miss Hughes

Year 4: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 4: Our Gallery items

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Year 4: St George's Calendar items

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