No Pen Day - Year 1 and 2

On Wednesday we took part in 'No Pen Day Wednesday'. We used this day to launch the Oracy project that we are taking part in with Voice21 and 14 other Wirral Schools. We started the day with an assembly with Mrs Horton. We played 'Which Emotion?' In this game you have to change the tone of your voice, and use gestures, to demonstrate the emotion that you are feeling when you say a sentence out loud. This helps us to see the importance of our body language and expression when we are speaking. 

In our classes, we took part in lots of oracy activities. Even though we did not write anything all day, we still learnt lots. Year 1 used debating skills to discuss whether old toys or new toys were the best. They also used the VR sets and were able to use their oracy skills to describe the old toys that they could see. In year 2 they used green screen to create a film about climate change. They used excellent oracy skills to speak clearly using expression and hand gestures. These films have gone off to be edited but will be showing soon on SeeSaw. 


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