Visit from Nathan Young - 2A & 2B

Nathan Young

The children thoroughly enjoyed a visit from our current learning hero, Nathan Young. Nathan is our hero this half term because of his postivitity, resilience and sheer determination to swim, despite him being deaf. Nathan was a pupil at St George's Primary school and now represents Great Britain on the deaf swimming team. He has taken part in the deaflympics in Turkey and has also been to various countries around the world to compete, winning lots of medals. The children have been learning all about him this term and why he is our hero. They were incredibly excited to see a real life hero come in to school. He told them about what it was like growing up and why he took up swimming. He even brought in some items for the children to look at including his bronze medal, swimming caps and swim shorts. The children asked Nathan some excellent questions about his journey, learning even more about him. Well done Nathan! We are proud to call your our learning hero! 

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