
While using the internet, it is extremely important that you know how to keep yourself safe online. Each week we will add a task to develop your understanding of E-Safety. There is also a lot of helpful information available on our school website page:


Thinkuknow is the online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency. You’ll find lots of support and advice for parents andcarers on keeping your child safe online at: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/


Watch Play Like Share, Episode 1, Who's Magnus?

Click on the image below to be taken to the website and video:

Use the following questions to chat about the cartoon:

What did you think?

What did you like about this episode?

What does Sam do with Megan’s baby photo?

How does Megan feel and what doesshe do in response?

What upsets Ellie and who does she turn to?

Is Magnus the best person to support Ellie? Who else could help?


This week you have more activities to complete linked to last week's video. If you need to watch it again, here is the link:

Your activities for this week are attached as a document named 'E-Safety Activity Week 3' at the bottom of this page :)


Task 1

Watch Play Like Share, Episode 1, Block Him Right Good, Alfie

Click on the image below to be taken to the website and video:



Use the following questions to chat about the cartoon:


What did you think?

What did you like about Play Like Share?

What different things do Sam, Ellie and Alfie do online?

What problem did Alfie face at the beginning of the cartoon?

How did the gamer make Alfie feel?

What did Alfie do when he realised something wasn’t right?

What happened when Selfie’s video was made public? How did it make them feel?


Task 2

Design a poster for Selfie

Ask your child to create a poster for Sam, Ellie and Alfie’s new band Selfie. Encourage them to come up with a design that shows off each character’s talents and personality. We’d love to see examples of your posters so send them to your year group email address!

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