International Partnerships

At St George's we want to ensure that our school is part of our local, national and global community.

Global awareness enriches our work across the curriculum including art, culture, food, design, history, R.E, geography, literature and our learning heroes.

Since 2018 we have worked hard to develop meaningful international partnerships.  

Our first partnership is with Jingmao Primary School in Taicang China.  This partnership is flourishing with strong curriculum links and international visits by staff and children.  Taicang region is twinned with Wirral as part of the Merseyside-Shanghai partnership.   Our children as well as visiting each other, learn about the geographical similarities and differences of two regions connected by river trade of the Yantzee River and the River Mersey.

Find out more on our China partnership page.

Second partnership has been funded by Erasmus + agency.  This is a partnership for staff development and training.  Initially this partnership was with 6 schools in Malta in 2018-19.  In 2019-20 this partnership grew to include a school in Liverpool and Italy.  More information can be found in Our Erasmus partnership page.


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