Security Policy and Information

St George’s Primary School

School Security Policy


Statement of intent

  1. Legal framework
  2. Roles and responsibilities
  3. Working with other agencies
  4. Physical security arrangements
  5. E-security
  6. Equipment and belongings
  7. School events
  8. Access to the premises
  9. Removing people from the premises
  10. Violent crime
  11. Reporting security concerns
  12. Emergency procedures
  13. Staff training and informing pupils
  14. Testing security procedures
  15. Information security
  16. Monitoring and review



Statement of intent

St George’s primary School recognises its duty, under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, to identify, assess and keep under review health and safety related risks, and to eliminate or reduce risks. We are dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all people within the school community through implementing effective security measures, including e-safety and electronic control measures. Under this policy, a security risk includes risks to staff and pupils.

To identify the most prominent risks facing us, a thorough risk assessment has been conducted, which has been used to frame this policy to ensure that the control measures are appropriate and relevant. 

The aim of this policy is to inform staff, pupils, parents and visitors of the security arrangements and controls in place and encourage them to help ensure that these are implemented effectively, while maintaining an open and welcoming environment for all.

This policy and the associated procedures apply to all individuals entering the school premises. The policy will be distributed to staff and pupils, so they can recognise and understand the need to be more vigilant about their own safety and security.

1.    Legal framework

  • 1. This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and statutory guidance including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Section 547 of the Education Act 1996
  • Section 40 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982
  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
    • 2. This policy has due regard to the following statutory and good practice guidance:
  • DfE (2018) 'Controlling access to school premises'
  • [Updated] DfE (2019) ‘School and college security’
    • 3. This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies and documents:
  • Security Plan
  • Key Holder Audit
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Lockdown (Code Yellow) Policy
  • Fire Evacuation/Safety Policy see Health and Safety policy item 4
  • Complaints Procedures Policy
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Security Risk Assessment
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Surveillance and CCTV Policy
  • Lettings Policy
  • COSHH Policy see Healthy and Safety Policy item 7
  • Records Management Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Business Continuity Plan
  • PSHE Policy



2.   Roles and responsibilities

The governing board will be responsible for:

  • Overseeing necessary security risk assessments delegated to the head teacher.
  • Monitoring the performance of the school’s security measures.
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of this policy on an bi-annual basis.
  • Delegating the day-to-day implementation of this policy to the headteacher.
  • Ensuring that the school’s security is accounted for when considering requests to hire the premises, in line with the school’s Lettings Policy.

The headteacher will be responsible for:

  • Appointing one or more competent persons to lead on school security – the school’s competent persons are Mike Kinsella and Tim Hales (site managers)
  • Establishing relationships with local security networks and working with the police, LA and others in the wider community to gather and share security-related intelligence.
  • Implementing behaviour management strategies to reduce the likelihood of negative behaviour escalating to a more serious incident.
  • Ensuring that all staff members are aware of the procedures set out within this policy and are provided with the required training.
  • Informing parents, pupils, visitors and contractors of the school’s security procedures.
  • Establishing a system for reporting, recording and managing breaches of this policy.
  • Budgeting for security measures effectively.
  • Ensuring that security is taken into account when considering any proposed changes to the school premises.
  • Undertaking necessary security risk assessments or delegating these to site manager and School Business Manager.
  • Reporting any crimes to the police.
  • Reporting security incidents to the police or emergency services where appropriate.

All staff members are responsible for:

  • Securing windows and doors when rooms are not in use.
  • Ensuring that visitors sign in and out at the school office.
  • Challenging any unidentified individuals and notifying the headteacher of any unauthorised person.
  • Securing valuable equipment after use.
  • Ensuring the security of school equipment when taken off the school premises, such as laptops.
  • Accessing the school premises in accordance with this policy and lone working policies.
  • Acting in accordance with the school’s Data Protection Policy and ensuring that data and information is secure.
  • Reporting any minor security concerns to the headteacher.
  • Reporting major security concerns directly to the police or emergency services, where appropriate.
  • Carrying their school ID with them at all times.
  • Any of their own property that they bring to the school site.

As the competent person, the site manager is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the school estate is well maintained, including the physical and electrical security systems.
  • Securing school entrances and exits.
  • Liaising with named key holders and ensuring that the school is effectively secured at the end of each day.
  • Carrying out security checks on a daily basis and maintaining a record of these checks.
  • Raising any security concerns with the headteacher immediately.
  • Ensuring a Business Continuity Plan is in place.
  • Considering the type, frequency and probability of an incident or event, so that effective control measures can be established.
  • Prioritising risks and, in line with the school’s and locally agreed procedures, implementing control measures to mitigate priority risks.
  • Reviewing CCTV systems to monitor activity, ensuring that CCTV is used in accordance with the school’s Surveillance and CCTV Policy.
  • Ensuring all access control systems, e.g. intruder alarms, are in good working order and are activated once the school has closed.
  • Seeking professional advice on security issues where necessary.

Pupils and parents are responsible for:

  • Reporting anyone without an ID badge to a staff member.
  • Reporting any activity that they believe to be suspicious or concerning to a member of staff immediately – this can be done anonymously, if preferred. A Security Reporting Form can be accessed on the school’s website.
  • Familiarising themselves with the requirements of this policy, to ensure they know what to do in an emergency.
  • Taking responsibility for their own security.


3.   Working with other agencies

  • The headteacher will establish relationships with local services such as the police, ATLAS community patrol, the LA and others in the community.
  • The site manager will be responsible for maintaining these relationships to gather and share security-related information.
  • Strong links will be developed with the police to enable the school to put arrangements in place to share information quickly and to help with the review of this policy and related security plans.
  • The site manager will seek expert security advice where necessary and use this information when reviewing this policy.

4.   Physical security arrangements

  • Intrusion detection systems, including fencing, security lighting, security glazing and intruder alarms, will be installed throughout the school estate as required.
  • The site managers will undertake daily visual checks of the school fencing, security glazing, gates and locks, ensuring that they are maintained to a high standard.
  • The school ‘s behaviour policy allows for a Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy, which enables the school to check pupils, staff and visitors for prohibited items and confiscate them, including deleting inappropriate images or content from phones.
  • The school will be able to lock down parts, or all, of the school, in accordance with the Code Yellow Lockdown and Fire Evacuation .
  • Vehicle access will be restricted via the use of building controls that enables part of the school to be locked down, minimising direct access to school buildings e.g. by using speed bumps, warning and directional signage, barriers and structural furniture.
  • There will be directional signage so that individuals can find the school office with ease.
  • Chemical and biological materials will be stored safely and securely, in line with industry standards.
  • An intercom system will be used to minimise the risk of unauthorised people from entering the school premises.
  • Between the times of 9:00am and 3:00pm, the site manager will ensure the school gates are closed.
  • Where access to the school is required, such as for a large delivery or contractors, the site manager will oversee and supervise the access (if required beyond main office entrance point).
  • Staff cars are safely secured in the school car park at top site and RAFA Car Park at lower site.
  • School security alarms are tested on a monthly basis by the site manager.
  • The key holder or site manager ensures that the school alarm is set on a nightly basis.
  • Confidential information will be stored digitally or failing this in locked filing cabinets, which only authorised staff have access to.
  • The school office will be secured whenever it is unattended, as it is the main entrance point to the school.
  • Classrooms will be closed when they are not in use. They are not locked. 
  • Where possible, CCTV cameras will be in use and monitored by the site manager.
  • All visitors will be escorted to and from their destination within the school by a member of staff.
  • The school’s security lighting will be maintained by the site manager.
  • The site manager is responsible for ensuring that the school’s security lighting motion detector is switched on every night but turned off each morning.

5.   E-security

  • The ICT technician working with HT and computing lead will be responsible for ensuring that appropriate and effective online security systems are in place, including malware, internet gateways, firewalls and virus control software.
  • The school uses a secure network that is password protected.
  • Staff members and pupils are aware of the school’s Digital Safety and data protection the measures that are in place to effectively manage risks caused by internet use.
  • All staff members will be responsible for identifying risks posed to pupils and themselves, including those in relation to the use of the internet.
  • Staff members and pupils will not use their personal devices for school-related work on the premises.
  • The school will only use CCTV cameras that are able to be remote access capability password protected.

6.   Equipment and belongings

  • All portable electronic equipment will be stored in a secure location at the end of each day.
  • After using school equipment, staff members will be responsible for ensuring that it is returned to the appropriate storage location and secured.
  • Staff members will be responsible for any personal belongings, including teaching equipment, they bring on to the school premises.
  • Pupils, parents, visitors and contractors will be responsible for their personal belongings and the school will not be liable for any damage or loss which may occur.
  • Pupils will be advised not to bring valuable items to school unless absolutely necessary.
  • Where a pupil requires a valuable item to be brought to school, they can arrange with their Assistant headteacher in advance for a secure place to store the item.
  • Any equipment that someone wishes to take off the school site will be approved by a senior member of staff in advance and a record of the loan kept,
  • Any equipment that is loaned out to staff or pupils will be inspected upon its return, e.g. laptop that could carry viruses.
  • Outside play equipment, as well as sporting equipment, will be tidied away and secured inside the building at the end of use.
  • The school will provide an area for pupils to store bikes during school hours. Pupils are responsible for providing their own lock and effectively securing their bikes. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage that may occur.
  • Lost property will be stored by the school office, where it will be kept for one month before disposal.

7.   School events

  • During school events, all rooms except those required will be locked and kept secure.
  • Unless needed for the event, all equipment will be securely stored away.
  • The event organiser will be responsible for recording what equipment is being used for the event and ensuring that it is returned.
  • The site manager and lead member of staff will carry out an extensive risk assessment for each event. That will be sent to the head teacher. 
  • The site manager or designated key holder will lock the school after the event has finished.
  • Individual staff members will not be left alone on the school premises with a parent or visitor. Where lone working is necessary, e.g. a parent meeting with a teacher, a lone worker risk assessment will be carried out.
  • There will be a minimum of 2 staff members on site at all times.

8.   Access to the premises

  • All staff must use their designated automatic entry pass (fob) when entering and leaving the premises.
  • The school premises are private property; however, parents of enrolled pupils have an ‘implied licence’ to access the school premises at specified times.
  • All staff members will be issued with an ID badge during their induction process, which must be worn at all times.
  • Upon arrival at the school, visitors will be directed to the school office where they must sign in, giving a reason for their visit, and wait for further direction from a member of the office staff.
  • All visitors will be made aware of behaviour and security expectations by the member of staff who is supervising them.
  • All visitors and contractors who are authorised to be on the school premises will be provided with a school ID badge, which will be kept visible at all times.
  • The office staff will be responsible for ensuring that contractors and visitors sign out when they leave and return their ID badge.
  • Anyone who does not have an ID badge or is suspected to be an intruder will be challenged.
  • Individuals who are hiring the school site will act in accordance with the Lettings Policy and their hire agreement.
  • Integrated access control systems are installed to control, monitor and deny access when necessary.
  • The site manager will ensure that all access control systems are in place and effective – where problems are identified, the site manager will rectify them immediately.



9.   Removing people from the premises

  • In the event of abuse or threats to staff, pupils, parents or visitors, the school holds the right to ban an individual from entering the premises.
  • Where an individual has accessed the premises in a way that exceeds their ‘implied licence’, the school has the right to remove them from the premises; this includes any individual causing a nuisance or disturbance.
  • Unidentified individuals who refuse to report to the school office, become aggressive or are deemed to be a threat to the safety of the school community, will be escorted from the school premises and, where necessary, the police will be called.
  • In terms of barring particular individuals, the headteacher will issue this and inform them to the governing board. Will be an appeal process where all parties involved will be given the opportunity to formally express their views.
  • Letters and documentation concerning barring an individual will be signed by the headteacher, unless otherwise specified by the LA.
  • Following formal representations being made by the parties involved, the bar will either be confirmed or removed.
  • All bars will be subject to review within a reasonable timeframe.
  • The school has the right to take civil action through the courts to stop persistent trespassers.
  • If a crime is committed on the school premises, the school has the right to remove the individual in question from the site and report the incident to the police.

10.        Violent crime

  • All staff will be made aware of the indicators which may signal that pupils are at risk from, or are involved with, serious violent crime. All staff will be made aware of the associated risks and will understand the measures the school has in place to manage these, which are outlined in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
  • Where there are concerns about weapons being brought on to the school premises, the headteacher and site manager will decide whether security mechanisms need to be put in place to ensure the school community is kept safe.
  • The headteacher will liaise with the local police, community safety partners and other educational institutions in the area on how to address youth violence.
  • Pupils will be taught at age appropriate level about the impact of violent crime and how to protect themselves from becoming involved in criminal acts.

11.        Reporting security concerns

  • Missing or stolen equipment will be reported immediately to the SLT.
  • Unidentified individuals will be challenged immediately and reported to the school office.
  • Concerns regarding the security of the school will be reported directly to the site manager in person or on EVERY system.
  • The headteacher will promptly risk assess and discuss security concerns with the governing board to identify effective resolutions, e.g. installing CCTV systems.
  • Complaints about the school’s security measures will be dealt with in line with the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.
  • The school will implement procedures to enable pupils, parents and the local community to report any security concerns using contact us form on the school website.
  • If the DfE is made aware of an extremist or counter terrorism-related incident at the school, it will work with the LA and other partners to ensure the school is provided with the relevant support.

12.        Emergency procedures

  • The school will draw on the expertise provided by the LA, police and other agencies when developing emergency procedures.
  • In the event of an emergency or a breach of security, the procedures outlined in the school’s Lockdown (Code Yellow Policy will be followed – staff members will be made aware of when it is appropriate to implement these procedures.
  • All staff members, pupils and volunteers, will be made aware of the school’s emergency procedures as part of their induction, including those in relation to security alerts, trespassers and unidentified objects.
  • The headteacher will ensure that the appropriate authority is notified about any incidents and the need for emergency procedures, e.g. the police or the LA.
  • If it is necessary for the school to be locked down, the headteacher will contact the police for advice.
  • The headteacher, or their delegate, will be responsible for communicating with parents while the school’s emergency procedures are being implemented.
  • The headteacher, or their delegate, will be responsible for dealing with any media enquiries about an incident.
  • Where appropriate, the school’s social media channels will be used to keep the public informed during a serious incident. The headteacher will liaise with the police on how to share this information effectively. St George’s use Scholar Pack messaging services. 
  • If emergency procedures are carried out, the headteacher is responsible for ensuring that these are properly recorded.
  • This policy, and all associated plans and procedures, such as the Business Continuity Plan, will be reviewed and evaluated following any incident, to ensure that they remain effective.

13.        Staff training and informing pupils

  • 1. Staff members will receive e-security related training on an annual basis.
  • 2. All staff members and pupils will receive training in the school’s emergency procedures and will be aware of what to do.
  • 3. The site manager (competent person) will have relevant subject knowledge, e.g. security, be trained in matters related to handling health and safety risks and have the experience to apply subject knowledge correctly in the workplace. They have independent advice and support from HFA Associated. 
  • 4. Staff will receive safe handling training for chemical and biological materials (COSHH) as appropriate for their role.  
  • 5. Staff will be made aware of relevant security networks and be able to evaluate and assess the impact of any new initiatives on the school policy and its day-to-day operation, as well as how to protect themselves and pupils from harm, safeguard the school estate and be able to determine when it is appropriate to contact the police/emergency services.
  • 6. External providers and visitors will be invited into the school when necessary to help deliver security-related messages to staff and pupils. When determining whether an external provider should be invited into school, the headteacher will consider the following:
  • What the desired learning objectives and outcomes of the session are
  • Why an external provider needs to be used rather than an internal member of staff
  • Whether the messages can be delivered in line with the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Whether the external provider has the required skills and knowledge
  • How the impact of the session will be evaluated
    • [New] Pupils will be taught about security-related issues through the PSHE curriculum, in line with the PSHE Policy.

14.        Testing security procedures

  • The site manager and business manager will develop a schedule of testing the school’s security and emergency procedures.
  • These tests will be used to identify where improvements can be made and to enable the school to assess what the wider residual effects of an incident are likely to be.
  • The headteacher will determine whether neighbouring schools, the local police or other agencies should be involved in helping to evaluate practise drills.

15.        Information security 

  • The DPO will be responsible for ensuring that there are policies and procedures in place to manage and monitor access to sensitive and personal information, including the Data Protection Policy and Records Management Policy.
  • The DPO will provide training to staff on school policies and procedures in relation to information security.
  • Policies relating to information security will be reviewed in light of any new information on security risks or statutory guidance, and updated where appropriate.

16.        Monitoring and review

  • A Security Risk Assessment will be conducted by the headteacher, site manager and governing board on an annual basis, and will be used as the basis of this policy.
  • This policy will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis by the governing board, site manager and headteacher.
  • Staff members will be notified of any changes made to this policy or to the school’s security system.


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