The Big Vote: Topsite Decides!

At the start of February, something really exciting happened in assembly: a live debate between two political parties! Since September, our Topsite School Council have been working closely with Mrs Roberts and Mr Cassidy to improve our school. The council split in two - The SC Dragons (led by Mr Cassidy) and The Political Parrots (led by Mrs Roberts). Each team then came up with separate projects: The Snack Shack (SC Dragons) and a Multi-Sensory Garden (Political Parrots). 

What was at stake? The chance to secure £1,000 to fund their idea! 

The weeks following their initial proposal saw our children campaigning hard, canvassing for our vote, culminating in one moment: The Big Vote. 
Present, were members of the council, our school governors, members of staff, AND 240 children! It was a real demonstration of how far our children have come with their understanding of politics, democracy and showcasing their oracy skills and utilising their skills of persuasion and reasoning.
Despite both sides giving a monumental effort, there could only be one winner.
235 votes were cast.
Final result: 
Political Parrots - 74
SC Dragons - 161

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