Equality @ St George's
Equality Policies
Equality is at the heart of the school's mission statement. We acknowledge that equality is a legal and moral imperative.
We were appointed as a Wirral red Heart ambassador for the impact of our equality work.
Equality information and reporting should be evident across all our work.
You will find detailed reporting in the statutory reports section of the school website.
Equality Objectives (2021-25)
The school is committed to promoting the welfare and equality of all its staff, pupils and other members of the school community. To achieve this, the school has established the following objectives:
- Monitor changes to the curriculum to ensure they result in good outcomes for pupils in all vulnerable groups, and to review the curriculum considering new performance measures
- Improve the quality of support for pupils in all vulnerable groups in the classroom
- Track behaviour and bullying incidents to ensure that all groups of pupils thrive regardless of their characteristics. Includes disability gender, race and other key characteristics.
- The school will regularly review the steps being taken and the progress made towards the achievement of these objectives and, in line with the specific duties of the PSED, publish this information on the school website every year. Are detailed in HT Annual Report.
You will find detailed reporting in the statutory reports section of the school website.
Inclusion and Equality for Families
We want to ensure that parental voice and experience informs our Equality work.
In January 2025 we established an inclusion and diversity parents' forum to ensure that we are inclusive and engaging with parental voice. Miss Birch leads on this forum and invites senior staff to join the group on specific issues.
We encourage families to complete our google form and engage with this group.
2025 dates are:
- 31st March @ 2:00
- 12th May @ 3:30
- 23rd June @ 9:00
Accessibility Plan 2021-24
download_for_offlineAccessibility Plan 2021-24
- Equality Statement and Policy download_for_offline