Special Education Needs
Welcome to our Special Education and Disability web page.
Parents can contact us directly regarding special educational needs and disabilites (SEND) by:
Call: (0151) 638 6014 and asking to speak to Mrs Kell our inclusion administration officer.
Email: send@stgeorges.wirral.sch.uk
Below parents will find key information relating to SEND provision at St George's. That includes:
- Our detailed Annual SEND report
- Our parent friendly SEND policy
- SEND Communication flowchart
- SEND abbreviation list. We know that number of abbreviations and acronyms in SEND provision can cause confusion.
Flow chart below exlains how parental requests regarding special educational needs and disabilites (SEND) will be managed. Our aim is to ensure that our SENDCO has oversight of special educational needs and disabilities but that we always strengthen the communication between child, home and the class teacher.
Mrs Huxley our Special Educational Needs and Disability coordinator (SENDCO) will have oversight of all SEND communication and support. Following the processes in this flowchart, we will ensure that Mrs Huxley can be contacted and is involved at the right stage of support for yoiur child.
SENCO: Mrs Sonya Huxley
We have also set up a detailed support page for families whose children have SEND needs.
Documents related to Special Educational Needs can be found below
Our Board of Governors meet regularly term to discuss the school development plan and review the long term plans for the school. The Board of Governors have the role of planning for the long term whilst holding the senior leaders of the school to account. They are referred to often as 'critical friends'.
One Governor is specially asked to oversee the Special Educational Needs provision for the school. That governor meets with the SENDCO termly and submits a brief report to governors as part of our school visit policy.
Our named SENDCO Governor is : Mrs Julie Marshall
Any guidance on complaints can be found in the complaints section of the school website.
If you would like more information about the local offer from Wirral Borough Council please visit their new SENDLO website.
You can also call the Contact a Family SEND freephone helpline 0808 808 3555 (9.30 – 5pm Mon-Fri) or email: helpline@cafamily.org.uk
“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
― Plato
Files to Download
accessibility-plan-2021-24 pdf
download_for_offlineaccessibility-plan-2021-24 pdf
- early-years-guide-to-send download_for_offline
- send-abbreviations pdf download_for_offline
download_for_offlinesend-abbreviations pdf
- send-code-of-practice download_for_offline
- send-information-report-september-2023 pdf download_for_offline
download_for_offlinesend-information-report-september-2023 pdf
- st-georges-send-inclusion-policy pdf download_for_offline
- early-years-guide-to-send download_for_offline