F2 Books for Bedtime event.


“Being read to provides comfort for children, improving their concentration and focus. Being read to gives children knowledge to understand and talk about the world around them. When children understand what is being read this helps them understand how words, phrases and sentences are put together.” Gov.uk Help for Early Years Providers. 

At St Georges reading is at the heart of our curriculum and all of our children have access to a range of high quality literature. We read a decodable book once a day in our phonic sessions and take one home each Friday alongside a story book for our grown ups to read to us. This week we have enjoyed our 'Books for Bedtime' event when we learnt all about the importance of reading. We come into school in the evening wearing our pyjamas and got cosy under the twinkling fairy lights. We then enjoyed listening to storys with props, puppets and masks. We even have a yummy hot chocolate and biscuit.



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