Year 1 and 2 Oracy Showcase - Human Rights

Over the last couple of weeks, year 1 and 2 have been learning about Human Rights. We know that these are rights that everyone has, just for being human.

Each year group chose a human right to focus on. Year 1 did "Everyone has the right to a job", and wrote poems called "When I Grow Up", a line in their poems said "I'll work and learn until it's my turn, to find the right job for me"

Year 2 did "Everyone has the right to rest and leisure". Their poems had the title "If I were in charge of the World" and listed all the things we'd like to get rid of, and all the games and leisure we would like to have more of.

Within our classes, we put together a poem based on our chosen right, we then rehearsed and performed them in our classes and had a vote for the group that demonstrated the best oracy skills. We focused on physical oracy: taking clearly, gesture and posture, speed and volume of talk and expression in our voices.

The chosen groups from each class then performed their poem in front of all of year 1 and 2 in the hall for our Oracy Showcase. We invited some year 3 children to come and judge our showcase, and they gave each group excellent feedback based on our oracy framework.

Each group worked really hard on their performance and we could tell they had been practising. 
The winning class for year 2 was 2A, and the winning class for year 1 was 1C. They will be taking part in a school wide oracy showcase, with children from F2 to 6, and will perform their poems at our local church.


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